Monday, February 4, 2019


Mental Health Law in the Philippines

The current state of the nation includes legal issues on mental health.  In support to this,  through the combined efforts of many Filipinos-- from campaigns to petitions-- the country now has a republic act for mental health. This link will take you to the official statement of the republic act for mental health.


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Mental Health Awareness of Pinerest Organization (Summary)

The Importance of Mental Health Awareness
People struggling with their mental health may be in your family, live next door, teach your children, work in the next cubicle or sit in the same church pew. However, only half of those affected receive treatment, often because of the stigma attached to mental health. Untreated, mental illness can contribute to higher medical expenses, poorer performance at school and work, fewer employment opportunities and increased risk of suicide.

What Exactly is a Mental Illness
A mental illness is a physical illness of the brain that causes disturbances in thinking, behavior, energy or emotion that make it difficult to cope with the ordinary demands of life.

What You Can Do to Help
Although the general perception of mental illness has improved over the past decades, studies show that stigma against mental illness is still powerful, largely due to media stereotypes and lack of education, and that people tend to attach negative stigmas to mental health conditions at a far higher rate than to other diseases and disabilities, such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease. Stigma affects not only the number seeking treatment, but also the number of resources available for proper treatment. Stigma and misinformation can feel like overwhelming obstacles for someone who is struggling with a mental health condition. Having people see you as an individual and not as your illness can make the biggest difference for someone who is struggling with their mental health.
Advocating within our circles of influence helps ensure these individuals have the same rights and opportunities as other members of your church, school and community. Learning more about mental health allows us to provide helpful support to those affected in our families and communities. She earned a BA in Elementary Education from the University of Northern Iowa and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Iowa in 1995.

The original article was written by: Jean Holthaus, LISW, MSWa Licensed Independent Social Worker and clinic manager at the Pine Rest Pella Clinic. She earned a BA in Elementary Education from the University of Northern Iowa and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Iowa in 1995.
The original article can be opened in:

This article is an eye-opener,  even for me.  I summarized this for people who don't like to read too long articles. I hope this will reach more people. Let's spread awareness.
